For Patients


A daunting experience

Dialysis can be a daunting experience. Over the course of a typical 3-hour session, every drop of blood in your body makes the high-speed round trip journey out of your body, to the dialysis machine and back again at least 20 times!

VND is a constant safety threat

Venous Needle Dislodgment (VND), or accidental removal of the needle delivering blood back to your body, is a constant safety threat. If this needle falls out and the problem goes undetected, 50% of your blood can be lost in just 5-7 minutes. A patient can go into shock even after just one minute of an undetected dislodged needle. Some VND events cause serious adverse events and even death.  

Every dialysis machine has computerized auto-shut-off systems to protect patients against VND.  But the subtle pressure changes associated with some needle dislodgements are too small to be detected by the machines and without very careful monitoring, patients can suffer tragic consequences.

The V Needle stops blood flow if dislodged

As a device to reduce patient risk from venous needle dislodgement, Hemotek has invented the V Needle. This device works the same as any other dialysis needle, but if it becomes dislodged during hemodialysis, an internal mechanism acts to quickly shut off the dialysis machine pump. The V Needle will give patients protection from blood loss and peace of mind.


Above: Laboratory Simulation of Standard Needle VND (Venous Needle Dislodgement)

Considering home dialysis?

Less than 10% of hemodialysis is done in the home. It can require months of weekly training and a caregiver must always be present. However, home dialysis can be better for you, because you can have longer hemodialysis treatments and/or more frequent dialysis treatments. Many home dialysis patients report feeling better, longer, on home hemodialysis. Talk to your doctor to learn more.

The home is an ideal place for the V Needle

Home hemodialysis patients are particularly at risk for VND because the lack of watchful clinical staff in the home means that dislodgements are less likely to be quickly noticed. The V Needle is an AV Fistula set that detects venous needle dislodgement and quickly works to generate an automated shut-off of the dialysis machine.
